Community Allotment
Wellbeing in the Weald is lucky enough to have an allotment where you can come and get involved in growing vegetables, learning new gardening skills, and meeting other likeminded locals.
Days: Sundays
Time: 10am to 12.30pm
Where: 44-46 Oatfield Drive, Cranbrook, TN17 3LA
Cost: Free
Pre-booking: None - just come along on any Sunday morning
For more information please email: hello@wellbeingintheweald.co.uk
Community Allotment
If you've ever wanted to try your hand at growing vegetables and fruit, this is the perfect opportunity for you. We try to avoid using pesticides and keep everything as organic as possible.
So why not come along on a Sunday morning, enjoy the fresh air, get some light exercise, learn new skills and growing tips from others at our allotment on Oatfield Drive. It's also an opportunity to meet new people and make new friends. Bring your own mug for hot refreshments provided by Sue.
We grow vegetables fruit and flowers. This is a great project for those with itching green fingers but without the space to grow things at home themselves whilst making new friends at the same time.
It is recommended that you bring gloves and suitable footwear (as well as a mug/bottle of water). The allotment project is closed on the very wet days and also for a couple of months in the winter, depending on the season.
If you have helped to grow things during the year, you are able to take them home and eat them.

Access to the Wellbeing in the Weald allotment is through the gate down the driveway between numbers 44 and 46 Oatfield Drive.
Please park in Oatfield Drive if you are coming by car.

If you have any questions about this activity, please email hello@wellbeingintheweald.co.uk or call 07961 669 575. If there's no answer, please leave a message with your name and phone number and someone will call you back.